Saturday, November 10, 2012

Updated "Want" List

I figure it's time to update my want list!! I am not going to include morphs because, let's face it, it would get long and boring! Here it is!

More crested geckos
Gargoyle Geckos
Malaysian Cat Gecko (maybe one or two)
Williams Dwarf Gecko
Knob-Tailed Gecko (rough and smooth)
Day Gecko (giant, Madagascar)
Chahoua New Caledonian Gecko
Helmeted Gecko
Crocodile Gecko
Leaf-Tail Geckos
Flying Dragon (who doesn't want to own a dragon??!!)
Bearded Dragon
Chameleons (pygmy leaf included!)

Ball Python (of course)
Green Tree Python
Super Dward Reticulated Python
Rainbow Boa
Sand Boa's
Red Tail Boa
Dumerils Boa
Many more lol

Tortoises (many of them!)

There are a lot more that I want I just can't think of all of them at this time!! Write in the comments what you really want to get one day!


  1. Great list!! As of right now, I have 3 (species) in mind: More cresteds, more leos, and a sand boa. So cute! I really want that reptile room, haha.

    I'll make a better list and throw it on my blog. Cute page you've got here, btw! :)

    -Jaimee (

    1. Thanks!! I love your blog too! I need to update mine majorly.
